The Proper Method of Performing Wudu (Ablution) with Sunnah and Recommended Acts
Intention for Wudu
The person performing wudu should sit facing the Qibla on a raised place and first make the intention of wudu, stating that they are performing wudu for prayer, for recitation, or simply to remain pure. The intention can also be to seek closeness to Allah Almighty.
Beginning of Wudu
Start by reciting “Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim” (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful). Then, wash the hands up to the wrists three times.
Rinsing the Mouth in Wudu
Rinse the mouth three times. It is Sunnah to gargle thoroughly, ensuring water reaches all parts of the mouth.
Using Miswak
Use a miswak (a natural toothbrush) next. The miswak should be at least a span in length and about the thickness of a finger.
How to Hold the Miswak
Place the little finger under the miswak, the next three fingers on top, and the thumb underneath. Alternatively, the little and index fingers can be placed on top, with the middle two fingers underneath.
Method of Using Miswak
Rinse the miswak before use. Start brushing the upper teeth from the right side to the left, then do the same for the lower teeth. Also, lightly brush the tongue (but not too forcefully to avoid injury).
Rinse the miswak again, squeeze out excess water, and repeat the brushing process two more times.
Time for Using Miswak
For those who experience bleeding gums, it is better to use the miswak some time before wudu to prevent bleeding during wudu. For others, it is best to use the miswak while rinsing the mouth.
Pouring Water into the Nose during Wudu
With the right hand, pour water into the nose three times, cleaning the nose with the left hand using the little finger.
Washing the Face in Wudu
Wash the face by taking water in the hands and covering the entire face, from one earlobe to the other and from the forehead’s hairline to the chin. Ensure water reaches under the eyebrows.
Precautions When Washing the Face
Some people tend to tightly close their eyes or lips while washing their faces, preventing water from reaching the eyelashes or the outer part of the lips, which are obligatory areas to wash. To ensure proper wudu, avoid tightly closing the eyes or lips.
Khilal of the Beard
After washing the face, comb the beard by applying water underneath it and running fingers through the beard, pulling downward. This can be done either from the inside to the outside or vice versa, both methods are permissible.
Washing the Arms in Wudu
Wash the arms up to the elbows, starting with the right arm, followed by the left. The best way is to pour water from the hand to the elbow, considering that in the Prophet’s time, there were no taps; they used vessels for wudu, pouring water over the arms.
kilal of Fingers
After washing the arms, interlace the fingers of both hands to ensure water reaches all parts.
Masah of the Head in Wudu
Wet the hands and wipe the entire head.
Masah of the Ears and Neck
With the same wet fingers, wipe the inside of the ears using the index fingers and the outside of the ears with the thumbs. Wipe the back of the neck with the back of the hands.
Washing the Feet in Wudu
Wash the feet, including the ankles, and interlace the toes with the little finger of the left hand, starting from the little toe of the right foot and moving to the big toe, then from the big toe of the left foot to the little toe.
May Allah grant us the understanding and ability to act upon this knowledge.